Upcoming Marching Band events, rehearsals, and performances
The Cardinal Marching band has a pretty busy schedule over the next couple of months. We are planning a performance at Clark Atlanta University on April 28th for their annual "Spring Band Brawl" and we will also be performing in a Battle of the Bands at "Six Flags over Georgia" on May 5th. The cost for both trips will be $75. $35 will cover the admission and a catered meal at the amusement park and the other $40 will help cover transportation for both performances. $35 will be due on Tuesday, March 27th and the other $40 dollars will be due Monday, April 23rd. No checks, only cash or money orders will be accepted. We will also plan for two car washes to pay for t-shirts to wear for these performances. Here is a schedule of events, rehearsal and perfromances for the remainder of the year:
14-16 Auxiliary Clinics/Tryouts
24 Carwash/ TBA
27 After-school rehearsal 3:30-5:30
28 Meeting for incoming and returning band members 6:30p.m
29 After-school rehearsal 3:30-5:30
10-12 After-school rehearsal 3:30-6:00
17-19 After-school rehearsal 3:30-6:00
21 Carwash/ TBA
24-26 After-school rehearsal 3:30-6:00
28 Clark Atlanta University Spring Band Brawl
1-4 After-school rehearsal 3:30-6:00
5 Six Flags BOTB